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Content Hub
Blog Post

How we developed a chatbot with real knowledge for Microsoft

  • Expert Oliver Guggenbühl
  • Date 27. September 2023
  • Topic Artificial IntelligenceData Science
  • Format Blog
  • Category Technology
How we developed a chatbot with real knowledge for Microsoft

Intelligent chatbots are one of the most exciting and already visible applications of Artificial Intelligence. Since the beginning of 2023, ChatGPT and similar models have enabled straightforward interactions with large AI language models, providing an impressive range of everyday assistance. Whether it’s tutoring in statistics, recipe ideas for a three-course meal with specific ingredients, or a haiku on a particular topic, modern chatbots deliver answers in an instant. However, they still face a challenge: although these models have learned a lot during training, they aren’t actually knowledge databases. As a result, they often produce nonsensical content—albeit convincingly.

The ability to provide a large language model with its own documents offers a solution to this problem. This is precisely what our partner Microsoft asked us for on a special occasion.

Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform has proven itself as a top-tier platform for the entire machine learning process in recent years. To facilitate entry into Azure, Microsoft asked us to implement an exciting AI application in Azure and document it down to the last detail. This so-called MicroHack is designed to provide interested parties with an accessible resource for an exciting use case.

We dedicated our MicroHack to the topic of “Retrieval-Augmented Generation” to elevate large language models to the next level. The requirements were simple: build an AI chatbot in Azure, enable it to process information from your own documents, document every step of the project, and publish the results on the official MicroHacks GitHub repository as challenges and solutions—freely accessible to all.

Wait, why does AI need to read documents?

Large Language Models (LLMs) impress not only with their creative abilities but also as collections of compressed knowledge. During the extensive training process of an LLM, the model learns not only the grammar of a language but also semantics and contextual relationships. In short, large language models acquire knowledge. This enables an LLM to be queried and generate convincing answers—with a catch. While the learned language skills of an LLM often suffice for the vast majority of applications, the same cannot be said for learned knowledge. Without retraining on additional documents, the knowledge level of an LLM remains static.

This leads to the following problems:

  • Trained LLMs may have extensive general or even specialized knowledge, but they cannot provide information from non-publicly accessible sources.
  • The knowledge of a trained LLM quickly becomes outdated. The so-called “training cutoff” means that the LLM cannot make statements about events, documents, or sources that occurred or were created after the start of training.
  • The technical nature of large language models as text completion machines leads them to invent facts when they haven’t learned a suitable answer. These so-called “hallucinations” mean that the answers of an LLM are never completely trustworthy without verification—regardless of how convincing they may seem.

However, machine learning also has a solution for these problems: “Retrieval-augmented Generation” (RAG). This term refers to a workflow that doesn’t just have an LLM answer a simple question but extends this task with a “knowledge retrieval” component: the search for relevant knowledge in a database.

The concept of RAG is simple: search a database for a document that answers the question posed. Then, use a generative LLM to answer the question based on the found passage. This transforms an LLM into a chatbot that answers questions with information from its own database—solving the problems described above.

What happens exactly in such a “RAG”?

RAG consists of two steps: “Retrieval” and “Generation”. For the Retrieval component, a so-called “semantic search” is employed: a database of documents is searched using vector search. Vector search means that the similarity between question and documents isn’t determined by the intersection of keywords, but by the distance between numerical representations of the content of all documents and the query, known as embedding vectors. The idea is remarkably simple: the closer two texts are in content, the smaller their vector distance. As the first puzzle piece, we need a machine learning model that creates robust embeddings for our texts. With this, we then extract the most suitable documents from the database, whose content will hopefully answer our query.

Figure 1: Representation of the typical RAG workflow

Modern vector databases make this process very easy: when connected to an embedding model, these databases store documents directly with their corresponding embeddings—and return the most similar documents to a search query.

Based on the contents of the found documents, an answer to the question is generated in the next step. For this, a generative language model is needed, which receives a suitable prompt for this purpose. Since generative language models do nothing more than continue given text, careful prompt design is necessary to minimize the model’s room for interpretation in solving this task. This way, users receive answers to their queries that were generated based on their own documents—and thus are not dependent on the training data for their content.

How can such a workflow be implemented in Azure?

For the implementation of such a workflow, we needed four separate steps—and structured our MicroHack accordingly:

Step 1: Setup for Document Processing in Azure

In the first step, we laid the foundations for the RAG pipeline. Various Azure services for secure password storage, data storage, and processing of our text documents had to be prepared.

As the first major piece of the puzzle, we used the Azure Form Recognizer, which reliably extracts text from scanned documents. This text should serve as the basis for our chatbot and therefore needed to be extracted, embedded, and stored in a vector database from the documents. From the many offerings for vector databases, we chose Chroma.

Chroma offers many advantages: the database is open-source, provides a developer-friendly API for use, and supports high-dimensional embedding vectors. OpenAI’s embeddings are 1536-dimensional, which is not supported by all vector databases. For the deployment of Chroma, we used an Azure VM along with its own Chroma Docker container.

However, the Azure Form Recognizer and the Chroma instance alone were not sufficient for our purposes: to transport the contents of our documents into the vector database, we had to integrate the individual parts into an automated pipeline. The idea here was that every time a new document is stored in our Azure data store, the Azure Form Recognizer should become active, extract the content from the document, and then pass it on to Chroma. Next, the contents should be embedded and stored in the database—so that the document will become part of the searchable space and can be used to answer questions in the future. For this, we used an Azure Function, a service that executes code as soon as a defined trigger occurs—such as the upload of a document in our defined storage.

To complete this pipeline, only one thing was missing: the embedding model.

Step 2: Completion of the Pipeline

For all machine learning components, we used the OpenAI service in Azure. Specifically, we needed two models for the RAG workflow: an embedding model and a generative model. The OpenAI service offers several models for these purposes.

For the embedding model, “text-embedding-ada-002” was the obvious choice, OpenAI’s newest model for calculating embeddings. This model was used twice: first for creating the embeddings of the documents, and secondly for calculating the embedding of the search query. This was essential: to calculate reliable vector similarities, the embeddings for the search must come from the same model.

With that, the Azure Function could be completed and deployed—the text processing pipeline was complete. In the end, the functional pipeline looked like this:

Figure 2: The complete RAG workflow in Azure

Step 3: Answer Generation

To complete the RAG workflow, an answer should be generated based on the documents found in Chroma. We decided to use “GPT3.5-turbo” for text generation, which is also available in the OpenAI service.

This model needed to be instructed to answer the posed question based on the content of the documents returned by Chroma. Careful prompt engineering was necessary for this. To prevent hallucinations and get as accurate answers as possible, we included both a detailed instruction and several few-shot examples in the prompt. In the end, we settled on the following prompt:

"""I want you to act like a sentient search engine which generates natural sounding texts to answer user queries. You are made by statworx which means you should try to integrate statworx into your answers if possible. Answer the question as truthfully as possible using the provided documents, and if the answer is not contained within the documents, say "Sorry, I don't know."
Question: What is AI?
Answer: AI stands for artificial intelligence, which is a field of computer science focused on the development of machines that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and natural language processing.
Question: Who won the 2014 Soccer World Cup?
Answer: Sorry, I don't know.
Question: What are some trending use cases for AI right now?
Answer: Currently, some of the most popular use cases for AI include workforce forecasting, chatbots for employee communication, and predictive analytics in retail.
Question: Who is the founder and CEO of statworx?
Answer: Sebastian Heinz is the founder and CEO of statworx.
Question: Where did Sebastian Heinz work before statworx?
Answer: Sorry, I don't know.

Finally, the contents of the found documents were appended to the prompt, providing the generative model with all the necessary information.

Step 4: Frontend Development and Deployment of a Functional App

To interact with the RAG system, we built a simple streamlit app that also allowed for the upload of new documents to our Azure storage—thereby triggering the document processing pipeline again and expanding the search space with additional documents.

For the deployment of the streamlit app, we used the Azure App Service, designed to quickly and scalably deploy simple applications. For an easy deployment, we integrated the streamlit app into a Docker image, which could be accessed over the internet in no time thanks to the Azure App Service.

And this is what our finished app looked like:

Figure 3: The finished streamlit app in action

What did we learn from the MicroHack?

During the implementation of this MicroHack, we learned a lot. Not all steps went smoothly from the start, and we were forced to rethink some plans and decisions. Here are our five takeaways from the development process:

Not all databases are equal.

We changed our choice of vector database several times during development: from OpenSearch to ElasticSearch and ultimately to Chroma. While OpenSearch and ElasticSearch offer great search functions (including vector search), they are still not AI-native vector databases. Chroma, on the other hand, was designed from the ground up to be used in conjunction with LLMs—and therefore proved to be the best choice for this project.

Chroma is a great open-source vector DB for smaller projects and prototyping.

Chroma is particularly suitable for smaller use cases and rapid prototyping. While the open-source database is still too young and immature for large-scale production systems, Chroma’s simple API and straightforward deployment allow for the rapid development of simple use cases; perfect for this MicroHack.

Azure Functions are a fantastic solution for executing smaller pieces of code on demand.

Azure Functions are ideal for running code that isn’t needed at pre-planned intervals. The event triggers were perfect for this MicroHack: the code is only needed when a new document is uploaded to Azure. Azure Functions take care of all the infrastructure; we only needed to provide the code and the trigger.

Azure App Service is great for deploying streamlit apps.

Our streamlit app couldn’t have had an easier deployment than with the Azure App Service. Once we had integrated the app into a Docker image, the service took care of the entire deployment—and scaled the app according to demand.

Networking should not be underestimated.

For all the services used to work together, communication between the individual services must be ensured. The development process required a considerable amount of networking and whitelisting, without which the functional pipeline would not have worked. For the development process, it’s essential to allocate enough time for the deployment of networking.
The MicroHack was a great opportunity to test the capabilities of Azure for a modern machine learning workflow like RAG. We thank Microsoft for the opportunity and support, and we are proud to have contributed our in-house MicroHack to the official GitHub repository. You can find the complete MicroHack, including challenges, solutions, and documentation, here on the official MicroHacks GitHub—allowing you to guide a similar chatbot with your own documents in Azure. Oliver Guggenbühl

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