Monitoring Data Science workflows
Long gone are the days when a data science project only consisted of loosely coupled notebooks for data processing and model training that the data scientists ran occasionally on their laptops. With maturity, the projects have grown into big software projects with multiple contributors and dependencies, and multiple modules with numerous classes and functions. The Data Science workflow, usually starting with data pre-processing, feature engineering, model training, tuning, evaluating, and lastly inferring– referred to as an ML pipeline, is being modularized. This modularization makes the process more scalable and automatable, ergo suitable to run in container orchestration systems or on cloud infrastructure. Extracting valuable model or data-related KPIs, if done manually, can be a labor-intense task, more so if with increasing and/or automated re-runs. This information is important for comparing different models and observing trends like distribution shifts in the training data. It can also be used for detecting unusual values, from imbalanced classes to inflated outlier deletions – whatever might be deemed necessary to ensure a model´s robustness. Libraries like MLFlow can be used to store all these sorts of metrics. Besides, operationalizing ML pipelines heavily relies on tracking run-related information for efficient troubleshooting, as well as maintaining or improving the pipeline´s resource consumption.
This not only holds in the world of data science. Today’s microservice-based architectures also add to the fact that maintaining and managing deployed code requires unified supervision. It can drastically cut the operation and maintenance hours needed by a DevOps team due to a more holistic understanding of the processes involved, plus simultaneously reduce error-related downtimes.
It is important to understand how different forms of monitoring aim to tackle the above-stated implications and how model- and data-related metrics can fit this objective too. In fact, while MLFlow has been established as the industry standard for supervision of ML-related metrics, tracking them along with all the operational information can be appealing as well.
Logs vs Metrics
Logs provide an event-based snapshot – Metrics give a bird’s eye overview
A log is a point in time, written out record (e.g., stdout/stderr) of an event that occurs discontinuously, at no pre-defined intervals. Depending on the application, logs carry information such as timestamp, trigger, name, description, and/or result of the event. Events can be anything from simple requests to user logins that the developer of the underlying code deemed important. When following best practices during this process, it can save a lot of hassle and time in setting up downstream monitoring tools. Using dedicated log libraries and writing meaningful log messages fits the bill
INFO[2021-01-06T17:44:13.368024402-08:00] starting *secrets.YamlSecrets
INFO[2021-01-06T17:44:13.368679356-08:00] starting *config.YamlConfig
INFO[2021-01-06T17:44:13.369046236-08:00] starting *s3.DefaultService
INFO[2021-01-06T17:44:13.369518352-08:00] starting *lambda.DefaultService
ERROR[2021-01-06T17:44:13.369694698-08:00] http server error error="listen tcp bind: address already in use"
Fig. 1: textual event logs
Although the data footprint of a single log is negligible, log streams can exponentiate rapidly. This results in the fact that storing every single log does not scale well, especially in the shape of semi-structured text data. For debugging or auditing, however, storing logs as-is might be unavoidable. Archive storage solutions or retention periods can help.
In other cases, parsing and extracting logs on the move into other formats, like key-value pairs, further addresses these limitations. It can also preserve a lot of the event´s information while having a much lower footprint.
time: "2021-01-06T17:44:13-08:00",
mode: "reader",
debug_http_error: "listen tcp bind: address already in use"
servicePort: 8089,
duration_ms: 180262
Fig. 2: structured event logs
Another form of reducing this footprint can be done through sampling methods, with metrics being the most prominent representatives.
A metric represents a numeric measure of a particular target (specific event) evenly distributed over intervals of time. Mathematical aggregations like sums or averages are common transformations that keep such metrics relatively small data-wise
time: "2022-01-06T17:44:13-08:00",
Duration_ms: 60,
sum_requests: 500,
sum_hits_endpoint_1: 250,
sum_hits_endpoint_2: 117,
avg_duration: 113,
Fig. 3: metrics
Thus, metrics are well suited for gradually reducing the data resolution into wider frequencies like daily, weekly, or even longer periods of analysis. Additionally, metrics tend to be better unifiable across multiple applications as they carry highly structured data compared to raw log messages. While this reduces the issues mentioned before, it does come at the cost of granularity. This makes metrics perfect for high-frequency events where a single event´s information is less important. Monitoring compute resources is an example of this. Both takes have their right to exist in any monitoring setup as different use cases fit the different objectives. Consider this more tangible example of a small shop to showcase their main differences:
The total balance of a bank account may fluctuate over time due to withdraws and deposits (that can occur at any point in time). If one is only concerned that there is money in the account, tracking an aggerated metric periodically should be sufficient. If one is interested in the total inflow linked to a specific client, though, logging every transaction is inevitable.
Architecture and tool stack
In most modern cloud stacks, such as Azure Appservice, most logging on infrastructure and request-side is shipped with the service itself. This can come costly with increasing volume, however. Defining the use cases, understanding the deployment environment, and matching it with the logging architecture is part of the job instruction of DevOps teams.
From a developer’s perspective, there are plenty of open-source tools that can deliver valuable monitoring solutions that only need some effort for orchestration. Leaner setups can consist of only a backend server like a time series database and a tool for visualization. More complex systems can incorporate multiple logging systems with multiple dedicated log shippers, alert managers, and other intermediate components (see picture). Some of these tools might be necessary for making logs accessible in the first place or for unifying different log streams. Understanding the workings and service area of each component is, therefore, a pivotal part.
Fig. 4: Monitoring flow of applications deployed in a Kubernetes Cluster (altered, from
Database & Design
Logs, at least when following the best practices of including a timestamp, and metrics are usually time series data that can be stored in a time series database. Although in cases where textual logs get stored as-is, other architectures utilize document-oriented types of storage with a powerful query engine on top (like ElasticSearch). Besides storage-related differences, the backend infrastructure is split into two different paradigms: push and pull. These paradigms address the questions of who is responsible (client or backend) for ingesting the data initially.
Choosing one over the other depends on the use case or type of information that should be persisted. For instance, push services are well apt for event logging where the information of a single event is important. However, this makes them also more prone to get overwhelmed by receiving too many requests which lowers robustness. On the other hand, pull systems are perfectly fit for scraping periodical information which is in line with the composition of metrics.
Dashboard & Alerting
To better comprehend the data and spot any irregularities, dashboards come in quite handy. Monitoring systems are largely suited for simple, “less complex” querying as performance matters. The purpose of these tools is specialized for the problems being tackled and they offer a more limited inventory than some of the prominent software like PowerBI. This does not make them less powerful in their area of use, however. Tools like Grafana, which is excellent at handling log-based metrics data, can connect to various database backends and build customized solutions dating from multiple sources. Tools like Kibana, which have their edge in text-based log analyses, provide users with a large querying toolkit for root cause analysis and diagnostics. It is worth mentioning that both tools expand their scope to support both worlds.
Fig. 5 Grafana example dashboard (
While monitoring is great at spotting irregularities (proactive) and targeted analysis of faulty systems (reactive), being informed about application failures right when they occur allows DevOps teams to take instant action. Alert managers provide the capability of poking for events and triggering alerts on all sorts of different communication channels, such as messaging, incidents managing programs, or via plain email.
Scrapers, Aggregators, and Shippers
Given the fact that not every microservice exposes an endpoint where logs and log-based metrics can be assessed or extracted – remember the differences between push and pull – intermediaries must chip in. Services like scrapers extract and format logs from different sources, aggregators perform some sort of combining actions (generating metrics) and shippers can pose as a push service for push-based backends. Fluentd is a perfect candidate that incorporates all the mentioned capabilities while still maintaining a smallish footprint.
End-to-end monitoring
There are paid-tier services that make a run at providing a holistic one-fits-all system for any sort of application, architecture, and independently from cloud vendors, which can be a game changer for DevOps teams. However, leaner setups can also do a cost-effective and reliable job.
When ruling out the necessity of collecting full-text logs, many standard use cases can be realized with a time series database as the backend. InfluxDB is well suited and easy to spin up with mature integrability into Grafana. Grafana, as a dashboard tool, pairs well with Prometheus´ alter manager service. As an intermediary, fluentd is perfectly fitted to extract the textual logs and perform the necessary transformations. As InfluxDB is push-based, fluentd also takes care that the data get into InfluxDB.
Building on said tools, the example infrastructure covers everything from the Data Science pipeline to the later deployed model APIs, with Dashboards dedicated to each use case. Before a new trainings-run gets approved for production, the ML metrics mentioned at the beginning, provide a good entry point to observe the model´s legitimacy. Simple user statistics, like total and unique requests, give a fair overview of its usage once the model is deployed. By tracking response times, e.g. of an API call, bottlenecks can be disclosed easily.
At the resource level, the APIs along with each pipeline step are monitored to observe any irregularities, like sudden spikes in memory consumption. Tracking the resources over time can also determine whether the types of VM that are being used are over- or underutilized. Optimizing these metrics can potentially cut unnecessary costs. Lastly, pre-defined failure events, such as an unreachable API or failed trainings runs should trigger an alert with an Email being sent out.
Fig. 6: Deployed infrastructure with logging streams and monitoring stack.
The entire architecture, consisting of the monitoring infrastructure, the data science pipeline, and deployed APIs, can all run in a (managed) Kubernetes cluster. From a DevOps perspective, knowing Kubernetes is already half the battle. This open-source stack can be scaled up and down and is not bound to any paid-tier subscription model which provides great flexibility and cost-efficiency. Plus, onboarding new log streams, deployed apps or multiple pipelines can be done painlessly. Even single frameworks could be swapped out. For instance, if Grafana is not suitable anymore, just use another visualization tool that can integrate with the backend and matches the use case requirements.
Logging and monitoring are pivotal parts of modern infrastructures not just since applications were modularized and shipped into the cloud. Yet, they surely exacerbate the struggles of not being set up properly. In addition to the increasing operationalization of the ML workflow, the need for organizations to establish well-thought-out monitoring solutions in order to keep track of models, data, and everything around them is also growing steadily.
While there are dedicated platforms designed to address these challenges, the charming idea behind the presented infrastructure is that it consists of only a single entry point for Data Science, MLOps, and Devops teams and is highly extensible.