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AI in Insurance

AI in the Insurance Industry

We assist companies in the insurance industry in effectively leveraging data and AI to optimize processes, enhance customer loyalty, and minimize risks.

Contact us

AI in Insurance: Innovation for Greater Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction

Your Experts in Artificial Intelligence for Insurance

With the growing significance of artificial intelligence (AI), the insurance industry is at a turning point. Increasing digitali­zation and the expan­ding volume of data are unlocking new oppor­tuni­ties for AI in insurance, enabling enhanced effi­ciency and improved customer service. While many insur­ance companies have long been data-driven, only now are they beginning to harness the full potential of AI. From predic­ting customer churn and upselling to personal­ized risk assess­ments, AI offers inno­vative solutions that can revo­lution­ize not just pro­cesses and services, but the entire business model.

Insurance companies have been collect­ing large amounts of data for decades. This data forms the basis for critical business decisions, such as risk assess­ment, premium setting, and claims manage­ment. However, it is only through the use of AI that insurers can truly utilize these vast data sets effi­ciently. AI systems enable more precise risk analysis and better fore­casting. As a result, AI-savvy insurance companies can create personal­ized offers and more accurately assess risks, benefiting both the company and its customers.

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AI assists insurers in numerous other applications: By lever­aging AI, insurance companies can identify custo­mers who are likely to churn and pro­actively implement appro­priate counter­measures. Modern chatbots and digital assis­tants signifi­cantly improve customer service. Addition­ally, AI-powered risk assess­ment enables auto­mated analysis of indivi­duals, businesses, or assets. Data-driven recommen­dation systems help suggest the right insurance products to customers and predict online conversions or product affinities.

Schedule a no-obligation consult­ation to discover how you can benefit from our expertise in AI for the insurance industry. From data science and AI consulting to AI training and developing your own AI strategy, we work to­gether to create a solution that opti­mizes your pro­cesses, reduces costs, and enhances customer satisfaction.

Impactful use cases of data science and AI in insurance

Customer Churn

Identify customers who are willing to churn so that appropriate countermeasures can be taken in good time.


Use modern chatbots and digital assistants to improve your customer service.

Risk Assessment

Automate the risk assessment of individuals, companies or objects using AI.


Use data-based recommendation systems to suggest the right insurance to your customers.

Claims Settlement

Automate the processing and triage of insurance claims and increase efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Fraud Prevention

Use machine learning to recognize which of your customers may be pursuing fraudulent intentions.

Damage Detection

Use computer vision to estimate damage sizes based on imagery.

Predictive Models

Predict the expected number of insurance claims or sales.

Fraud Detection, Prevention, and Claims Processing through AI in the Insurance Industry

One major advantage of artificial intelligence (AI) in the insurance industry is fraud prevention. Insurance fraud costs companies billions of dollars world­wide. Traditional methods of fraud detection are often time-consuming and not always effective. However, with the appli­cation of AI, suspicious patterns and ano­malies in data can be detec­ted in real-time, preventing fraud before it happens. AI algorithms specifi­cally trained for the insurance industry can identify unusual behavior patterns indi­cative of potential fraud without requiring human inter­vention.

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Moreover, AI in the insur­ance industry not only aids in fraud detection but also suggests prevent­ive measures. For instance, based on AI data, insur­ance companies can take targeted actions to reduce the risk of fraud. AI enhances not only security but also customer trust in insurance products.

Another example of AI in insurance is automated claims process­ing. In the past, human agents had to manually review each claim, but now AI systems can handle much of this process. Claims are auto­mati­cally evaluated and processed based on patterns learned from historical data. For example, computer vision can be used to estimate damage amounts from images, and predictive models can accurately fore­cast the expected number of claims or sales. Overall, the use of AI in the insurance industry opti­mizes processes and enhances compe­titive­ness. This not only saves time but also mini­mizes errors. Customers benefit from faster processing, while insurance companies can reduce costs.

Our advantage

500 Data and AI Projects successfully realized
100 Customers from 10 industries
85 Experts from 17 fields of study
10 Years of experience in Data Science, ML and AI

Partners, Tools and Technologies

Our services for insurance companies

AI Starters

Are you still at the beginning of your data and AI journey? With us, you'll find various workshops, training sessions, and ready-to-use AI solutions that are perfect for taking the first steps in data and AI.


AI Consulting

We advise you on the identification of suitable AI application areas, the selection of technologies, the implementation of data architectures and the creation of your data and AI strategy.


AI Solutions

We develop data science and AI solutions tailored to your requirements. We support you from the idea to the productive solution. Afterwards, we ensure smooth operation and maintenance.


AI Trainings

Whether technical or methodological skills, data literacy or data culture - our formats rely on interactive and inspiring learning methods. We train beginners, specialists and managers.


AI in Insurance: How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the Insurance Industry

AI in insurance enables companies to tailor their products more precisely to the individual needs of their customers. By analyzing usage and behavioral data with AI, insurers can create personal­ized insurance packages that are perfectly aligned with each customer's needs. A compelling example of AI in insurance is the use of the Internet of Things (IoT) in auto insurance. Sensors in vehicles continuously provide data on driving behavior, which is then analyzed by AI systems. Companies lever­aging AI in insurance can offer custom­ized premiums based on individual driving styles.

Artificial intelligence in the insurance industry leads to fairer and more transparent premium calcu­lations, benefiting both insurers and policy­holders. Safe and respon­sible drivers are rewarded, while insurers can better assess their risks thanks to AI in insurance. Personali­zation through AI is also gaining importance in other insur­ance areas, such as life and health insurance.

Read more ▼ Do you want to harness the potential of data and AI in insurance for your company? Our experienced AI consultants have success­fully completed numerous projects in the field of AI in insur­ance and are ready to help you develop and imple­ment your AI strategy. From data analysis and pro­cess optimi­zation to the develop­ment of custom­ized AI solutions, we support you on your journey to digital trans­formation.

Your expert for AI in the insurance industry

Would you like to exchange ideas with us on topics related to data science, machine learning and AI in the insurance industry? Or do you already have a specific project in mind? Our AI consultants are looking forward to meeting you.

marcel plaschke
Marcel Plaschke
Head of Strategy, Sales & Marketing